Data Privacy Assessment

Initial Consultation

Begin your data privacy journey with an exploratory conversation. We discuss your concerns, needs, and the current state of your data management.

Data Collection Analysis

We assess how your organization collects, stores, and processes data. This provides a foundation for understanding potential vulnerabilities or non-compliance issues.

Customized Report

Our team provides a comprehensive report detailing our findings. We offer actionable recommendations to bolster your data privacy practices.

Risk Identification

After understanding your operations, we identify areas where data privacy breaches or leaks might occur. From weak system points to human errors, we highlight them all.

Regulatory Compliance

Every industry has its regulations. We review your operations against global and local data privacy standards to ensure you’re in line with necessary guidelines.


 At M+ Security, Data Privacy is our commitment to ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and protection of personal and business data, ensuring it’s used responsibly and in compliance with relevant regulations.

Beyond regulatory compliance, prioritizing Data Privacy boosts your reputation, prevents costly breaches, and ensures the trust of your customers and stakeholders.

We employ a systematic review of your data handling processes, storage solutions, and sharing protocols, then provide detailed recommendations to enhance privacy and meet regulatory standards.

We specialize in consultancy. While we provide expert recommendations and a roadmap, the actual implementation is executed by you or your chosen service provider.

Let us help, talk to us!


available from 9:00AM – 5:00PM

Address Rockville, MD


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